- # 3/4
The Classic2 range sums up what Snowbee is famous for… top quality product at mid range prices. This superb reel is precision moulded from glassfi bre reinforced nylon, to provide a lightweight, rigid frame, which is totally corrosion proof. The large arbor, open cage design provides fast retrieve and minimal line memory off the spool. The rear control, stacked, multi-disc composite and stainless steel drag system has a smooth, sensitive detent to take the drag smoothly from ‘off’, to ‘maximum’ setting and provides amazing performancefor a reel of this price. Available in a full range of sizes from the #3/4 size for river f shing, through the #5/6 and #7/8 for small stillwater and reservoirs, right up to the amazing #9/11 which is exclusive to Snowbee and provides a quality salmon/sea-trout reel at a class-leading price, with a powerful drag system to match. A modern ‘V’ spool design gives added backing capacity to all models.